Sunday, January 9, 2011

Before I Came...

The other day Wyatt and I were having lunch. He was looking at the Christmas cards and asked me about a friend's family. He's had the opportunity to meet and play with her kids and really enjoys them. But he was asking specifically about how I know their mom.

"How do you know Mrs. Dorsey?", he asked.

I explained to him that when I went to Clemson, I actually lived there and that she was my roommate. He was amazed. He had no idea about this roommate concept. He then asked about his daddy and when I met him at Clemson followed by his next question...

"Well, how did you and Daddy get to Florence?"

I explained to him that his daddy was working in Florence for a church and after we were married I moved there and we began our life together...

He then thought about when he was born and asked questions.

Wyatt: "When was I born?"

Me: 3 years later.

Wyatt: Well...when exactly was I born? November 20th?

Me: Yes. You were born November 20th.

Wyatt: When did the doctors say I was supposed to be born? November 20th?

Me: They predicted you would be born on November 18th. But God decided you would be born on November 20th.

Wyatt: So the doctors were wrong, weren't they?

Me: They were close, but yes, they did not know when the Lord would bring you into the world.

Wyatt: Doctors don't know all things, do they.

Me: No.

Wyatt: Only God knows all things.

"He is before all things. And in Him all things hold together." Colossians 1:17

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