Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Potty training is going well for Walker.
Working intentionally on #2. In the potty.

Wyatt and Walker are reaching new levels of friendship in their brotherhood.
Which is both tender and fun.
(not to imply that they don't have their fighting moments)

Lalla's cheeks are growing. :)

Walker expresses sadness, when Lalla does...

Lalla is growing in interest towards her brothers.

Olivia holding Lalla (when they visited recently)
A pro baby-holder.
Having lots of practice with her little brothers :)

Walker has declared a new coping mechanism when he has a boo-boo.
To lay his head on a pillow and crawl under a blanket.
It's working very well for all of us.

Lalla is settling into 2 solid naps during the day. :)

And my buffet has become the "weapons post" upon where the boys place them before coming to the table for a meal.

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