Thursday, May 7, 2009

Just Some Thoughts...

I'm learning a lot right now. I realize my last few posts have been migrating away from the lighter side, and, forgive me again, this is not going to be light.

I feel like the Lord is revealing to me (through His word) more about Himself. And it's anything but light.
He is real.
And He's in me!
(Greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world.)

I read something recently that John Piper said.
And it has me really thinking. It has my head spinning.
He says that we are given spiritual gifts in order to strengthen others. (which is based from Romans 1:11 (I long to see you that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to strengthen you).

You mean, the Lord has given each of us spiritual gifts in order to give them away? To strengthen those around us? To not hoard? To encourage the faith of those around us?

Wow. How might my life look different if I took this seriously? If I choose to believe that these gifts exist from the Holy Spirit in order
to use.
For those around me.
For the little ones around me.

I mean. What a thought!
I long to see you that I may impart to you some spiritual gift.
To strengthen you.

Oh Wes. Wyatt and Walker. I long to strengthen you.
my family. my friends.
Those I've yet to meet - I long to strengthen you.
Those that are not in my regular path - I long to strengthen you.
Those that I've lost touch with - I long to strengthen you.
Those that I've hurt or have hurt me - I long to strengthen you.
Those that the Lord would allow and will for me - I long to strengthen.

John Piper also says - spiritual gifts are given to us so that the world will marvel at the Lord. That those around us will think
"God is Fantastic."

May the Lord use we as believers in such a way that the world and those around us will think
"God is Fantastic."

May each and every blog be used in such a way that those reading will think "God is Fantastic"

May my children see that "God is Fantastic."

I love walking with the Lord.
Reading His word.
And learning more about this calling as His daughter.
As a called wife and mother.
As a sister in His kingdom.
As a messenger of His gospel.
May this message remain at the forefront of my heart.
That I may long to impart to you some spiritual gift.
That I may strengthen you.

Amen. God is Fantastic!

"For all things are from Him. To Him. And Through Him. To Him be the glory forever. Amen." Romans 11:36