Monday, February 8, 2010

Kind Letter to Wes

I realize I have not blogged in a while. I do apologize for that. I have taken a step back in blogging and am desiring more than ever to be ever mindful of my posts - with the utmost intentions of bringing glory to our Father. That being said, I will fail. I will point you all to me - and I am sorry in advance for that. I do desire, to bring glory to the Father in this small way - and I will catch up on some of the things that have taken place in the last month(s).

A simple way to step back into blogging is this:

Wes' birthday was yesterday (Sunday, Feb. 7)

He received a letter from RTS president, Michael Milton

I was so spurred on.
And I truly delight in sharing it with you:

"Dear Wes,

Happy Birthday! May the Lord bless you with the reality of the resurrected Christ alive in you!
One of my favorite passages is this one:

For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them (Ephesians 2:10 ESV).

You are the "masterpiece" of the Lord, actually crafted by Christ Himself, in the unfathomable mind of the Triune God before all ages, to fulfill His purposes in the world as the unique person you are. How I pray that this day will stir up faith and good works and that as you continue in your journey of following the Lord you will remember that you bear the wondrous craftmanship of the Lord in your very being! I say again, Happy Birthday! And carry on the good work of the Gospel as you walk forward into His grace.

I want you to know that this letter is not only my way of reaching out to you on this wonderful occasion, but also serves as a holy "trigger" for me to pause in my work and to pray for you personally. And I assure you that I do thank the Lord for you as this letter is prepared to go out.

So praying that you may know the wonders of His grace, the power of His Spirit, the blessings of family and friends, and the joy of leading others to Him, I am

Yours warmly in the Lord,
Michael A. Milton, Ph.D.

*** once again, I am so thankful the Lord has us here. Right now.
Soli Deo Gloria!

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