Friday, December 21, 2007

Wes's New Look

So Wes came home from a camping trip and proudly told me that November had become "No Shave November." That's right, it IS December...and shave. So as you can see the non-shaven face of Mr. Andrews is becoming fuller and fuller. It's grown on me somewhat, but his new promise is to shave it after the New Year...we'll see if we move into Full Beard February! The nicest thing I can say about his beard is that it is very versatile... the relaxed look
the formal look

the hanging with Wyatt look...


Kayne and Thomas said...

I love Wyatt's new smile in the last picture. And I am glad to hear that Wes' beard is so versatile. Looking good!

amyop said...

So did you want to die when John Van announced in Church that Wes had a good new look? Leave it up to my husband! Hey do you mind if I add your site to mine? If not I understand I have a friend that doesn't want hers posted.

Love all the pics and can't wait till Monday's in 08!