Monday, April 25, 2011

Happy Easter!

HE is Risen! Risen Indeed!
As we walked into the doors of the sanctuary there was a typed note on the doors that read:
Please greet one another this morning with the following:
"He is risen!"
and respond:
"He is risen indeed!"

Praise the Lord for our sakes that He is Risen!
If it were not for Christ's resurrection, you and I would still be in our sins.
But we have been forgiven and redeemed by resurrected Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who was first put to death on the cross, having taken the full wrath of God - for you and for me.

Happy Easter to you and yours.
May you live your life in light of the resurrection.
There is hope!
Even in death!
Because of the death and resurrection
of Jesus.
By the time we took pictures, Lalla was very sad.
Her brothers were very compassionate.

This is the best we were able to get of the 3 children on Easter.

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