Sunday, February 24, 2008

Farewell Ole Friend

While we were at the beach this past weekend, we gave up a faithful companion - Wyatt's paci. We took our little boy to the Springmaid Pier and it was there that he and his paci parted ways. He cast it out into the sea for the sharks.

It was much less dramatic than Wes and I anticipated. In fact, it was more a celebration. But as I reflect on the role that paci played in our life, I am a little nervous about what tonight may hold. Furthermore, was it the paci so many nights that helped us make it through or was it the good hand of our God upon us? I'm choosing to believe it is the goodness of our Lord who got us through this far, and will continue to. Even so, farewell ole paci. Farewell, ole friend.

on the way to the pier

some final pics with paci

the sign was too symbolic NOT to get a pic

tossing the paci into the open waves...


we did it!!

a shark to remember this moment...

we did it!

it's a new day!


Liz said...

you go Wyatt! What a big boy! What a sweet little family outing, and even a momento for this big day! So fun!

Jill H said...

That's a big deal, Sage. I will pray for you all tonight! Looking forward to hearing more how the transition goes.

Jill said...

That's awesome! And what a great idea! I hope you had a great weekend at the beach!
Love you!

Kayne and Thomas said...

YEAH Wyatt!! We are so proud of you!! And we can tell you love your new shark!

Jennie said...

Neither of my girls ever took a paci... so I don't know exactly just how truly huge this event was...but I empathized with Wyatt. I was very tender looking at these really sweet pictures. Good job Mama making it really eventful and memorable.

Susan said...

I love this entry! So cute! Ya know what it brought to mind? (don't ask why...) I know this doesn't apply, but- throw another shrimp on the bahbie!

Aron said...

Oh, Sage I LOVE this post! "Pappies" were a HUGE part of life for Mak, and still are for Clara Beth. What a smart way to get rid of it! I hope the night went well.

We're proud of you, Wyatt, and if you ever need some support in getting through it, come see your buddy, Mak. He STILL brings up the day I took it away (not in a sad way, just kind of matter-of-fact)!

Julie, Robert and Luke said...

Sage, I just found your blog. And I am trying to find a way to rid Luke of his paci too. I may have to use your idea. How has it been since the farewell? Hope all is well. We are over at

Congratulations Wyatt!!!

Julie, Robert, and Luke