Saturday, August 16, 2008


Wes has been talking to Wyatt for months about camping. Wyatt has been looking forward to going. A few months ago they slept in a tent indoors, but this was the first camping trip our back yard.

Daddy gathered all the camping gear, and Wyatt his own gear...

They had a snack right before bedtime...

Just before bedtime, after prayers and lullaby...

He slept hard...and his daddy read with a flashlight.

Had an early oatmeal breakfast...

It was good!

It was a successful night. And Wyatt enjoyed every moment with his daddy.


Liz said...

so sweet, I love it!

Cayce said...

I love this. I'm always so challenged by the creative and fun things you guys do!!

Kayne and Thomas said...

What a fun night for Wes and Wyatt!