Thursday, November 19, 2009

Mock Lions

Wyatt was playing with some "Chronicles of Narnia" characters/figurines

he was playing with 4 small lions and 1 HUGE lion - Aslan

Wyatt: Mommy they (meaning Peter, Edmond, Lucy and Susan) are about to run into the "mock lions".
Me: Mock Lions? What is a mock lion?
Wyatt: These small lions.
Me: Why do you call them mock lions?
Wyatt: Because. They are NOT Aslan.

Probably many of you know that Aslan is the Christ figure in CS Lewis' "Chronicles of Narnia." Wyatt is deeply drawn to Aslan. He is powerful. (which he adores) But he is safe. (which he loves even more) Wyatt is deeply engaged with the series and pretty much claps, rejoices and sighs a huge relief at the mention of Aslan's name.

In the very same ways I am drawn to Christ. But how often I have a "mock Christ" in my life. I am drawn to something that is not Christ, Himself. An idol - be it anything that takes the place of Christ, my husband, household responsibilities, a friend, a friend's approval, my children, "my time", money, etc., etc, etc.

I pray I have the discernment to see those "mock-Christs" as quickly and easily as my four-year-old.

1 comment:

amyop said...

This is what I needed to read! It is so true but hard to swallow. It was gret seeing you this past weekend!