Wednesday, December 2, 2009

funny understanding

(after Walker and I had completely finished lunch, Walker was down for nap, I was done cleaning up lunch.)

Me: Wyatt, if you don't finish your sandwhich there will be no treat after learning time.

Wyatt: no treat? really?

Me: yes. you are taking too long to finish your sandwhich or not finishing it every day and so this is your consequence.

Wyatt: slowly. finishes. his sandwhich

Wyatt: I finished! See? We were mad. And now we turned to joy!

Me: I wasn't mad, Wyatt.

Wyatt: Yes. And I was too. And now we turned to joy!

Me: No. I was giving you instructions. That's different from being mad.

Wyatt: Yes. And I learned that construction. And now we turned to joy!