Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Interesting Conversation with Wyatt

Wyatt: Mommy, do you want to throw our baby away?

Me: (completely caught off guard) what?

Wyatt: do you want to throw our baby away? Walker?

Me: No. no. no. (shocked and trying to communicate well)We don't throw babies away.

Wyatt: We love them?

Me: Yes!

Wyatt: and take care of them?

Me: Yes! and teach them about the Lord and help them when they are hurt.

Wyatt: but Pharaoh wanted 'no baby boys'.

Me: (aha) that's right he did. And that's exactly why Moses' mother hid him as a baby.

Wyatt: Because she didn't want Pharaoh to throw Moses away?

Me: Yes! And how did God use Moses when became a man...

Wyatt: (cutting me off) And he said to Pharaoh "LET MY PEOPLE GO!"

Me: Yes.

(isn't it ironic that (by God's sovereignty) what eventually lead Pharaoh to dismiss Moses and the Israelites from Egypt was in fact, the death of his own firstborn son (the 10th plague -death of first born sons)?

For me, this was another reminder of the Lord's faithfulness in preserving Moses' life. The significance of his babyhood, and of course his life as a man. The fruit produced in his rescued life is paramount to our Christian history, in the Word and to our faith in the Father.

But Moses said, "O Lord, please send someone else to do it."
Exodus 4:13

God also said to Moses, "I am the LORD."
Exodus 6:2

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