Friday, September 18, 2009


A few posts ago I mentioned that RTS has a few bible studies for the wives.

I had no idea what the study was going to be on, I just knew I was impressed with the teacher. Mrs. Catriona (pronounced Katrina) Anderson. She is the essence of so many wonderful things. She is Scottish and speaks with a beautiful accent. She is a licensed Pathologist in Scotland. She is married to Dr. James Anderson, Wes' Theological Studies professor. She has 2 young girls, both of which she is homeschooling, instead of pursuing her practice here in the states. She is sharp. dynamic. and HUGELY encouraging.

We are participating in a very involved study. Entitled Juxtaposition, by Lindsey Braymen and Connie Dever, this is a study in itself where it requires your time during the week, answering very involved questions and looking deeply into the Word, etc. Alongside, to compliment the study we are reading 2 books, "One with the Shepherd" by Mary Somerville, and "Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian LIFE" by Donald Whitney. In a nutshell, biblical instruction and encouragement for the role of being a ministry wife.

As I began the study, I was hugely impacted by these words:

"What will your wife do if you become our pastor?" That was the question one church member asked my husband at a question-and-answer session at Capitol Hill Baptist Church (CHBC). He was candidating for the position of pastor.

How did Mark answer? Did he reply, "She'll take charge of the women's ministry. She'll work with the children. She'll accompany me on visitations"? No, he didn't.

"She will seek to love the Lord," was his straightforward reply. "She will be my wife, the mother of our children, and a faithful member of this church." Then he added, "Remember, you will be hiring me; not my wife. The best way she can serve you is by letting her be who God has made her to be, and by letting her support me."

In other words, he did not want the church to view me as an assumed, unpaid member of the church staff. He did no want me in a position. Rather, he wanted me in juxtaposition. That is, he wanted me to be closely connected to my God, my husband, my family and the other members of the church in a way that fulfills the biblical roles for all wives, mothers, and church members, and yet which also makes the most of the special opportunities that I have to complement my husband's ministry."
-Connie Dever

"The title of this book, 'One with the Shepherd' sums up what I believe is the key to a fulfilled life as a ministry wife. It expresses your relationship to your husband and to Christ. Unity with each is the key. As Christians we are one with the Good Shepherd who purchased His flock by His death on the cross. Apart from Him we can do nothing. If we abide in Him we can do all things. Likewise the more unity that exists in our marriages to the under-shepherds of Christ's flock, the more effective we will be in our practical calling."
- Mary Sommerville
One with a Shepherd

WOW. Already, the pressure and burden is falling off. The expectations, mostly put on probably by myself, are paling. To first and foremost pursue my Lord. Doesn't He always promise to provide the necessities if we first seek Him? (Matt 6:33 - seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things...)

And ironically, what about the necessity of seeking Him? Oh what I become in His presence is far more valuable to any earthly relationship than first pursuing any earthly thing. Because what I become in His presence is changed. strengthened by acknowledging my weaknesses. righteous by confessing my darkness. hopeful by sharing my doubts. glorifying to Him by laying myself down. at His feet.

How significant that is in our marriages and ministries. In our husband's ministry, specifically. How much more effective my husband will be if I am first, putting myself at the throne of Grace and in a posture of solitude and significance with my Savior.

More to come, I'm sure.


Jason, Jessica, Isabella and Elisabeth said...

You have such an amazing talent of writing!! Thank you so much for what you write, it is always so encouraging to me--as a women, mother, wife, and a wife of someone in the ministry! I know we didn't get to see each other often, but I miss just knowing that you are in town!! :)

Cayce said...

hey girl! so fun. i just listened to connie's talk entitled "juxtaposition" linked from the girltalk blog. it was refreshing and encouraging....and after a crazy week-just what i needed to be reminded of. love you!

Keisha Valentina said...

Amen, girl.

Look forward to talking with you more, walking alongside with you down this road...

I already love your heart.


Liz said...

such a great word! And it is timely...interesting how 2 of my best girlfriends are encouraging me in this same topic....yes timely!!!