Friday, July 23, 2010


We have a lot going on in our household these days. :)
We are very thankful for where the Lord has us and is taking us. It does come with much activity. And that includes, packing! As we are headed out of our current apartment and into a 3 bedroom townhouse, a huge answer to prayer among several from an earlier post. Lalla will have her own room :). The Lord provided the right place in His timing. He also provided Wes with the part time position at church AND the previa issue has been resolved. There is no longer a complication associated with this pregnancy and a C-section is no longer warranted and Lalla is free to come when the Lord instructs.

So in between packing, I've been napping. However, this has become tricky lately. Walker is now in a big boy bed (!) and is doing well (minus a few discipline moments). He's made it 5 nights and 5 naps so far. I've been intentional about him sleeping in his bed for naptime (and not switching him back to the pack-n-play in my room, what he has done since we've moved here) so that he will be well-transitioned to his new bed by the time we are in our next place (Aug. 13). Lalla should be here by then and that is transition enough for all of us. So while Walker is napping in he and Wyatt's room, Wyatt is now spending room time in the living room. Where I used to nap. Each day he's been on his sleeping bag, listened to Narnia cd (and while I have no problem napping) he just hasn't been able to. At first, this was okay but the more my body needed a nap, it did not remain okay.

So today, I declared that he would nap.
And he did.
And Brighty did, too. :)

We're all tired.


User Not Found said...

Brighton looks mighty comfy!!

amyop said...

What a great picture! Priceless!