Saturday, February 26, 2011

Lalla's Baptism

Lalla was baptized last Sunday in our church. Her big brothers, Wyatt and Walker stood with us as Wes and I formally surrendered her to the Lord, claiming His covenant faithfulness in her life, praying that by His grace she will some day see her need of a Savior and turn to and trust in Jesus for her salvation.
It is tradition in our church's baptisms for the fathers to give a blessing to their child. I held Lalla in my arms and Wyatt stood on one side of me and Walker, on the other while Wes shared his blessing with Lalla.
This is her daddy's sweet blessing:
"Lalla, I have chosen a verse for you this morning that I pray will become central to who you are. It is the words of Jesus in Matthew 22:37-39:
'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the greatest commandment. And a second is like it. You shall love your neighbor as yourself.'
I pray that you will recognize the love your mother and I have for you. That you will learn to appreciate the love Wyatt and Walker have for you. As they protect you through the years.
Lalla, I pray that you will be a person that is selfless. That you will love the people around you by pointing them to Jesus.
My deepest desire is that you will love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and mind.
That you will one day recognize the love that God has for you and the sacrifice that was made on the cross. For it is by this that we know love, that He laid down His life for us."

*Lalla with her daddy and brothers

our family of 5

*While Wes read to her, Lalla repeatedly grabbed Wyatt's hair and made a high-pitched squeal/laugh. Wyatt, grinned at her a few times but mostly tried to pretend as if it wasn't happening. Walker had his eye on the instruments on stage; a tambourine especially.

1 comment:

Charissa said...

Oh what a sweet post. So sad we missed it. Just printed out pictures of our families over the year for 150 yr celebration next year. Loved that you captured Wes's blessing. He should handwrite it on nice paper for her to keepsake (in all his spare time). Hope Walker's potty training is on track. What a beautiful family your picture portrays. Those boys clean up well!