Saturday, February 19, 2011

Update Potty-Wotty

Its been 5 days and I think we're in a good place.
This is much different than when my oldest was potty training
Among many mistakes with that, my biggest were:
1. rushing him into it (he. was. not. ready)
2. not expecting accidents/messes/cleanup
3. really impatient
4. didn't pray much

With Walker, its been very different. Among some mistakes, some things that we well this time:
1. waited
2. he was not only interested, talking about it, but was taking initiative on his own and using it on his own.
3. expect(ing) accidents/messes/cleanup
4. (more) patient
5. prayed for him and for us

Great news is that twice this week he initiated going #2 on his own, and went!
And so far today Walker has had no accidents.
He's gone to the potty around 10 times and each time, he actually went! We prayed that the Lord would give Walker the knowledge and understanding to know when he need(s) to go and that is happening. He is learning his little body and responding really well!

So far:
successes: 25
accidents: 8

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